The degree of confusion/illusion and domestic revenue wastages by GSM subscribers due to GSM promotional products increase annually. The GSM network operators are often ingenious and are typically motivated by money, anonymity or both. Due to the rising competition in the GSM promotion, network operators are becoming more collaborative, and as a result, more ingenious. Because of this, comparison of GSM promotion subscribers’ application services is required as an advisor to keep pace with the numerous promotional products churn out by GSM Operators regularly. A system to compare GSM promotion subscribers in changing GSM operations with high impact on time is proposed. The study uses Scheffe’s Method of Pair Wise Multiple Comparison techniques to detect the significant differences between the subscribers’ data and rank the alternatives to determine the best promotion and applied the multivariate analysis in evaluating the last releases to help us improve the processes. The system compares the potential and profitable GSM promotion subscriptions drawn from twenty states across the six geo-political zones in Nigeria for effective decision making. The system has been developed using AJAX for UI, JAVA as a development language, Netbeans as a development environment and Microsoft Visio as an UML tool for analysis & design. The analysis of the data shows a reasonably strong correlation between the input variables. The result shows that more than 87% of the outputs were accurate. From the result that has been produced, multivariate analysis and Scheffe’s Method of Multiple Comparison has the potential to be used for comparing GSM promotion subscriptions.