This thesis “Short Messaging System(SMS) Based Information Search and Retrieval System” describes a technology facility that will enable local information to be collected and put in a repository system (Database) such that a mobile user using the facility will be able to search for such information from any location where Global System for Mobile Communications(GSM) services are available. The work concentrates on developing the server-side program that will run as the search program to reply every text message sent to it and to provide the most accurate results through a database query and sending a response as a replied text message. A structural relational database that serves as the back end data storage was uniquely designed as well as an algorithm that works as the search program for retrieving information from the database. Hypertext Pre-Processor (PHP) was used as the Server Side Scripting language because of its ability to work as a plug-in application to most Web-Servers like Internet Information Services (IIS) and Apache, with MYSQL as the database engine. Finally, the developed web-server application program with a database engine has been hosted locally on a desktop server. A test of the package was done using a simulated text message system through a Graphical User Interface (GUI) web browser that was created purposely to send a message and receive a reply from the web-server application program. The research results when successfully implemented on the GSM network services will no doubt enable information dissemination and will also increase revenue and patronage for the GSM service providers. In conclusion, the work done in this research can be said to be relevant to the Global System for mobile communication industry.

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